Logos: Text display is a function of the operating system, not Logos.Mac final forms are disconnected Logos User Voice suggestion => Connect Syriac Ligature on Mac PC Syriac ligature connected correctly, but Mac displays Syriac text as independent letters.
Pc bible for mac install#
Pc bible for mac for mac#
PC Handouts are a (future To Do) for Mac if Handouts are revamped Logos User Voice suggestion => Add the Handout Feature in Logos for Mac!.PC Text Comparison in Logos 5.2a SR-3 using F7 in BHS SESB 2.0 has correct text directions while Mac reverses English.PC Favorites pop-up in Logos 5.2a SR-3 shows resource preview while Mac does not.PC Stereoscopic images keep Fit sizing when changing pictures while Mac does not.PC Resource Support Info can be copied, while Mac’s cannot.PC Home Page font size can be changed using Program Scaling while Mac font size lacks scaling option.PC Passage List Print/Export has Font Slider plus handles longer passages correctly while Mac has text flow issue across pages.PC Collections list drop down shows 14 while Mac list has 12 collections.PC Bible Search can scroll verse results using arrow keys while Mac cannot.PC middle mouse click on Search or Library opens in a new tab, but Mac does not, workaround is right click, then click “Open in a New Tab”.PC Syntax Search has blue arrow to confirm menu choice, while Mac needs to use return key after clicking menu choice.PC Program launch typically opens to usable Window size, while Mac may open to a shrunken size.